How Intuition Works

Do you remember 5th grade science class when we learned an atom has three parts? The protons and neutrons are in the nucleus and the electrons are orbiting around the outside. Do you remember how big an atom is? Using Helium the smallest known atom on the planet as a guide, if the nucleoli was big enough to fit in the palm of your hand the electrons would orbit 6 miles away. That’s a lot of space.

In the early 1900’s Quantum physics revealed that less than 1% of an atom is made up what Newtonian physics called matter. That means 99% of what we think of as matter is actually space. Furthermore it showed that “matter” is actually concentrated light, quanta, or energy. That means we have 1% energy surrounded by 99% space.

Why doesn’t my hand go through the table if we are mostly space?
The quantum physicists taught us that what we thought of as space was really the glue that held matter together. That space is made up of the relationship between the packets of energy, protons and electrons, called an electromagnetic force. When they tried to predict the outcome of that relationship at a certain time they found there was an infinite number of possibilities whose manifestation was dependent on the intention of the observer.

Quantum physics proved that our conscious thoughts guide our actions and the action of matter around us. Intuition is the reading of the possibilities in those thoughts combined with the intention of the client to create different outcomes.

When we walk through our day our actions are dictated, not by our conscious mind, but our subconscious mind. When you eat breakfast do you think about how to hold the fork? When you drive to work do you consciously tell your foot to push on the break pedal? Our ability to memorize patterns of movement and reproduce them subconsciously is integral to our survival. 90-99% of what we do everyday is dictated more by our rote subconscious than our higher conscious minds. From this we can apply quantum physics and say that our subconscious, automatic, thoughts dictate more of our actions than the conscious ones.

That’s where counseling comes in. It may be the intention of my client to create change in his or her life, however, the subconscious is in control and literally running on automatic thwarting any possible new outcome. By intuitively looking at the patterns we are stuck in we can let go of the powerin being "stuck" and allow the desired outcome to manifest. This is the work my clients and I do together.

"The obscure we see eventually. The completely obvious, it seems, takes much longer." -Edward R Burrows