What is Intuitive Counseling?

Intuitive counseling is a psychic reading of the energetic potentials in a person's space. Although all possibilities exist in a given moment, certain outcomes are more likely to occur than others because of the power of our intention. Much of the intention we hold is automatic, dictated by our subconscious rather than conscious mind. Intuitive counseling brings the subconscious into the conscious, assisting a person in understanding the patterns, and changing those that are no longer valid in order to manifest their desired outcome. A session may involve any or all of multiple healing methods:

* Balancing chakras
* Grounding and cultivation of Qi (energy)
* Past life healing
* Reconnection with angels and spirit guides
* Removal of foreign and unwanted energies from the astral or physical bodies
* Understanding karmic or healing agreements in a relationship
* Retrieving lost life force energy

During the session I provide insight into these various aspects of your life to help you understand them in meaningful ways. This enables you to live a more free and enriching life. Be sure to allow yourself some time after a session for integration and reflection.

How can a session help you?

The implications of my work are as diverse as the clients I assist. Contact me to see how I may be able to assist your individual needs.

Your body is a beautiful faithful friend.